Triglav National Park
The Triglav National Park is one of the oldest protected natural areas in Europe. Covering 4 % of Slovenia’s total area, it is home to numerous protected animal and plant species and, according to folk tradition, a variety of magical creatures, most notably Zlatorog, a chamois with golden horns who is said to protect the kingdom of the Julian Alps, including Mount Triglav, Slovenia’s highest peak.
Vintgar Gorge is the gateway to the Triglav National Park
Vintgar Gorge is the gateway to the Triglav National Park, one of the oldest national parks in Europe. Here, where nature needs its own peace and rhythm, you can encounter unique animals, plants and stories.
The Triglav National Park takes its name from Mount Triglav, the symbol of Slovenia. A quarter of a millennium ago, “four brave men” became the first to conquer our sacred mountain. Today the country’s highest peak watches over more than 4% of the total territory of Slovenia: the area across which the Triglav National Park extends. The park is home to the mythical Zlatorog (“Goldhorn”) and other chamois, mountain goats, wolves, bears and lynx – and 7,000 other animal species.
Alpine Conservation Park
Nature has enjoyed special protection in the Triglav National Park ever since 1924, when the Alpine Conservation Park was established. Twenty years earlier, the scientist Albin Belar, who lived in the vicinity of Vintgar Gorge for more than a decade, wrote down some pioneering ideas about protecting the Valley of the Triglav Lakes. If the laws of the day had contemplated the legal protection of nature, the Triglav National Park would be the oldest natural park in Europe.
Dr Albin Belar, the King of Triglav
Albin Belar was a man of many parts: inventor, international seismology pioneer, founder of the first Austro-Hungarian earthquake observatory (in Ljubljana) and father of the Triglav National Park. A lifelong hiking and mountaineering enthusiast, he climbed Triglav more than 50 times, a true record in days when marked hiking trails did not yet exist.