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The Julian Alps

The Julian Alps, affectionately known simply as the Julians, are the biggest and highest mountain range in Slovenia.

Audio guide
Intersting facts

What you can see at this point

In Zlatorog’s kingdom

In the magnificent surroundings of Slovenia’s highest peaks, you really feel that you are at the centre of the kingdom where the crown is worn by Mount Triglav. Slovenia’s highest mountain – 2,864 metres high – proudly watches over the people of Slovenia and Vintgar Gorge. The first to scale it are still referred to as the “four brave men”. Today the Triglav National Park encompasses 4 % of Slovenia’s total territory.

The people of the Julians

The Julian Alps are a place of pure water, green forests and meadows filled with plants that you will see nowhere else. Alpine ibex, chamois, red deer and brown bear live here too, watching and listening from a safe distance as hikers pass through their territory. The 7,000 species of animals

that live in the Triglav National Park are protected by Zlatorog – a mythical chamois with golden horns that, according to folk tradition, dwells in the Julian Alps.

The most beautiful views

As you look out over Podhom and Gorje, you can see the peaks of Viševnik, Triglav and Rjavina on the left and Škrlatica and Kukova Špica on the right. Below them are the magnificent expanses of the Pokljuka and Mežakla plateaus. Competing with the views of the highest peaks are those of picturesque lakes, green valleys and mountain rivers.

A safe and unforgettable experience of the Julian Alps

The picturesque peaks and romantic plateaus of the Julians are simply crying out to be visited. However, it is important to be well prepared before setting out into the unpredictable world of the mountains. Hiking boots and good physical fitness are essential, as is respecting the rules of behaviour in the protected natural environment of the Triglav National Park. All visitors should take responsibility for their own safety and do their part to keep the Julian Alps clean and magical.